
Flashback: 2014 SX Solution Showcase & Austin Goodness at La Barbecue recap, complete with video, pics & quotes from the featured artists!!!


Time flies. Last year’s SX704 Solution Showcase at La Barbecue seems like just yesterday and that still seems awesomely surreal (from DJing for the Pharcyce to the crazy dope lineup to the unbelievably great food), so when the opportunity to throw a whole day’s worth of events came up this year, it was no-brainer. And so me and some friends (primarily France, DJ Trackstar & Dayta), set out to program twelve hours worth of Saturday fun at the biggest music festival in the country, bringing a mix of both Goodness & The Solution type flavor to the acclaimed BBQ spot. When everything was said and done on the morning of 3/15, the lineup was stacked with ridiculously talented MCs, DJs, singers and producers from all over the country and looked like this:

Extra stacked lineup, busiest day of SXSW and we were greeted by rain and fog on the morning of the event; not ideal at all. Regardless, we trudged through, set up tents over the turntables and stage and not too long after things got going, with the spot packing out quickly as Austin Goodness started with sounds from some of the best DJs in the country. From there, the weather cleared up, things somehow ran (mostly) according to schedule, despite a short break for a blown mixing board (which somehow got replaced in an under an hour, I credit good musical karma) and when the event wrapped up shortly after midnight, well over 30 top notch acts from NY to LA to Saint Louis to Denver and more had performed for hundreds of people.


Choosey & Exile rocking at The 2014 SX Solution Showcase via NBC San Diego

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CRL CRRLL’s awesome recap of his SXSW & the party

Over the course of the day, I met a ton of ton of new people and the main thing they said was that the event had one of the purest, best vibes they saw all week and that the day carried on the classic SXSW tradition of independent artists and musical discovery (I was even put on to some new favorites at my own event…LOL). To me and everybody involved that’s what it’s all about and we couldn’t be happier with how things turned out, especially when the overwhelming sentiment of SXSW 2014 is that it’s become too commercialized for its own good. With that said, see what the artists involved had to say about the event and check out pics of the day below (as well as even more pics here):


“The Austin Goodness party had the best vibes all week. Oh, and the best BBQ!” – DJ Sober (Dallas / Black Milk’s DJ)

“Epic…Inspiring…Great feeling to be around so many great DJs Goodness, grooving, and [I] loved the crowd’s reception of us” – DJ Dozen (Denver)

“Goodness, the best way I could spend digesting the best food in Austin.” DJ Expo (Los Angeles)


“Amazing group of musicians playing records in the rain is the best way to start off SXSW at the Austin Goodness…Don’t forget the coleslaw!” – DJ Clockwork (Los Angeles / Mac Miller’s DJ)

“Good eats, good beats and vibes” – Dayta (Houston)


Deejay Theory (San Francisco)

“It was really nice to walk up to a fully relaxed situation with all of the craziness I had been experiencing before that day at SXSW. Turning left instead of turning up is just what I needed after playing intense party set one after another. Vibe at The [Austin] Goodness was on point and very welcoming. 5 stars.” – DJ A-Minor (Charlotte, NC)

“The show was dope. Good food and good performances. I got to see folks I never heard of killing it.” – YC The Cynic (New York)

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“The SXSW Solution Showcase with DJ Low Key is good people, good music and good food = a great time” – Exile (Los Angeles)


“I had a ball rocking at The SX Solution Showcase with my Dirty Science brethren. The food and the talent on the bill were top notch!! I’m already looking forward to next year’s bill! – Johaz of Dag Savage (Los Angeles)


“Between Goodness & The SX Solution, there was only one place you needed to be on Saturday at SXSW, La Barbecue. Great vibes, fantastic music and amazing food.” – Donwill of Tanya Morgan (New York)

“Goodness & The SX Solution Showcase were like a marathon of hot shit. The original purpose of SXSW, at its best, in one location.” – Von Pea of Tanya Morgan (New York)


“”SXSW is always dope cuz it’s like Mardi Gras in Austin a whole week. Mobbin’ all over the city running into other artists & fans from all over the country, rocking for new fans. The SX Solution Showcase was especially dope cuz everybody who performed not only killed it, but showed love to everybody else who rocked.” – Ness of Weekend Money (New York)


“I was honored to be there. My city was turned. God Bless you [DJ Low Key] for giving me a shot!! We just wanted to show and prove.” – Tef Poe (St. Louis)


“The event was the highlight of the week as far as shows are concerned, we had the opportunity to perform at four shows during SXSW and the La Barbecue show was the best one; most responsive crowd, best sound system, best food lol I thoroughly enjoyed myself, as well as all of the other acts I witnessed while I was out there. Also, much appreciation to DJ Low Key for showing STL love, it was great to see so many of my homies whom I feel are the best representatives of what dope music from STL sounds like, all on one bill, all down in SXSW, it was just a good feeling, and I appreciate that.” – Nick Menn (St. Louis)


“The SXSW Solution Showcase was my most important experience this year. It was a grand opportunity to perform new music and connect with fans and friends alike. Thanks for having me Low Key.” – Theophilus Martins (Los Angeles)


“Good music, good people, good food & beer. Felt like I was rocking in my family’s backyard” – Yonas Michael (Los Angeles)


“The SX Solution Showcase was an unbelievable experience! The opportunity to perform in front of hundreds of new faces froma cross the U.S. for the time, in addition to Statik Selektah, Dee Woods (of Danity Kane fame) and Tanya Morgan was beyond awesome and very motivational.” – Slangston Hughes (New Orleans)


“I got put on to a lot of acts I’d never heard of and a lot of people got put on to me. I heard a lot of people complaining about how SWSX is so corporate now, but the big, overhyped shows were easy to ignore. I spent most of my time at smaller showcases like The Solution jawn. The food at La Barbecue was so good I couldn’t eat any meat for a week after I left Austin and now almost a month later I’ve just begun eating beef again. I knew I wouldn’t find anything comparable in NY.” – Spec Boogie (New York)


“Hyped up parties and sold out shows and The SX Solution Showcase was one of the biggest highlights of my SXSW. Not only was there good food at SX Solution Showcase, but it got so hype later that night the almost broke some tables. Low Key put on one of the most unique events I visited in Austin and I got to see some pretty amazing ish! Here’s to The SX Solution Showcase!” – CRL CRRLL (Denver)


“The SX Solution Showcase was great opportunity for us to network, everybody was there!” – Travii of Bodega Brovas (Dallas)


“One of my favorite memories from this year’s SXSW was rocking at The Solution Showcase at La Barbecue. Got to meet a lot of great people and the food was some of the best BBQ I’ve ever had. Huge shout out DJ Low Key for making it happen.” – Catch Lungs (Denver)


“The [SX] Solution Showcase at La Barbecue was amazing. I had the opportunity to party with people that I’ve never met. I knew that they would dig me because they dig Low Key. The pulled pork sand which was off the chain too! ” – Turner Jackson (Denver)


“Family Affair’s experience with DJ Low Key at SXSW was everything that you could imagine as a upcoming artist. We were treated with the utmost respect even when our personal DJ was under the weather for show time. DJ Low Key without any hesitation assisted F.A with our show. The beer was unlimited it seemed like and the food was phenomenal! What I noticed different is that after every performance there was somebody ready to give them a hot plate of bbq as they exited the stage. We had our crew with us and we enjoyed ourselves so much we just stayed at the event almost til closing. As a band member we always pride ourselves on how the venues cater to our product and I can say this was one of the most humbling events with so much talent on one roster. Family Affair is looking forward to next years event without a doubt.” – Repp of Family Affair (St. Louis)


MC Tree (Chicago)


Boonie Mayfield & Audiopium (Colorado)


Ken Rebel (New York)


Black Spade (St Louis)

Me, celebrating an unforgettable event with some magically delicious ribs the next day.

HUGE shouts to everyone who came out, all the artists involved, La Barbecue’s amazing staff, Chisum aka The Archduke of Austin, Eric “France” Maitrepierre, Dayta, DJ Trackstar, Potholes In My Blog, Upslope Brewing Company, Acrylick, Akomplice, Leann Mueller Photography, Lone Star Beer, & whoever else I’m sure I’m forgetting! See y’all at SXSW 2015!!! – DJ Low Key

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Wednesday, April 23rd, 2014 Events, Flashbacks, Guests, The Solution Travels, Updates Comments Off on Flashback: 2014 SX Solution Showcase & Austin Goodness at La Barbecue recap, complete with video, pics & quotes from the featured artists!!!

CRL CRRLL recaps his SXSW & The 2014 SX Solution Showcase is a big part of it…Check it out!!!

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Forever overachieving, super promising Denver singer/songwriter/producer CRL CRRLL just posted a great recap of his 2014 SXSW experiences and a lot of it focuses on his time and performance at The 2014 SX Solution Showcase/Austin Goodness w/DJ Low Key & friends, as well as footage of Exile, Tef Poe, Black Spade, YC The Cynic, Tanya Morgan & more. Take a couple of minutes to check it out and stay tuned for a full recap of last month’s SXSW events, coming real soon!

P.S. Be on the lookout for CRL CRRLL’s new jam “Cheers” from The Solution Tape #2, coming this Summer!!!

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Wednesday, April 2nd, 2014 Flashbacks, The Solution Showcase, The Solution Travels, Updates Comments Off on CRL CRRLL recaps his SXSW & The 2014 SX Solution Showcase is a big part of it…Check it out!!!

Flashback: Great pics from #TheSolution7 & lots more by Solution photographer Armando Geneyro aka Knower Of The Ledge!!!

(Above photo of DJ Low Key, Lazy Eyez & Sounds Supreme by Kenneth Hamblin III for Westword, check out their full gallery HERE /// All photos below by Solution photographer Armando Geneyro aka Knower Of The Ledge)

Last month’s 7 events for The Solution’s seven year anniversary were ridiculously fun and we’ve got to give all the credit to you Denver! You beautiful (for the most part…LOL) people came out to all seven events in record numbers, rocking excellent taste in music with enthusiasm, great energy and lots of smiles and it was AMAZING!!! Check out the pics below for a taste of the month’s events and check out lots more pictures on our Facebook page, our Instagram feed and in these two Westword galleries (one from our 7 Year Anniversary party & one from The 2014 Solution Beat Battle).

P.S. If you see a friend on our Facebook page or Instagram feed who hasn’t been tagged, please tag them and let them know to check their out pic!

Stay tuned to our social media pages and this site for more pics from the party every week, courtesy of Solution photographer Knower Of The Ledge aka Armando Geneyro!!!


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Monday, March 31st, 2014 #TheSolution7, Events, Flashbacks, Press, Updates Comments Off on Flashback: Great pics from #TheSolution7 & lots more by Solution photographer Armando Geneyro aka Knower Of The Ledge!!!

Flashback: 2013 SX704 Solution Showcase Recap…We teamed up with one of Austin’s best BBQ spots and some of our favorites acts out for our first ever showcase during SXSW!!!

Austin during SXSW.  The undisputed heavyweight champ of music festivals in the US and one of the coolest cities in the country year round.  Having been down to play at the festival for the last six years, it had become a goal of mine to throw a SXSW version of The Solution with the countless greats acts I know who attend every year, but that’s a little easier than said than done with countless brands, promoters, artists, labels and such scouring the city for unique venues and locking them down well in advance of the festival.

And while this year SXSW continued to grow at a frantic pace, with venues scarcer than ever, we were able to team up with infamously delicious BBQ haven, La Barbecue, the Austin Nomad and one of our favorite music sites, PotholesInMyBlog.com, to create the inaugural SX704 Solution Showcase.  One (somewhat major) catch though, we only had about a week’s notice to put together the whole event (and to make matters worse, I was in Los Angeles for some DJ gigs when I got word).  Never one to back down from a challenge or great opportunity, my week in LA was quickly taken over by SXSW prep work and a flurry of phones calls.

Over the next few days, me, DJ Trackstar (aka Killer Mike’s DJ) & our friend France (aka Eric Maitrepierre) started working out logistics and details and within no time, we’d put together a lineup that rivaled bigger corporate events, but strictly through our relationships in music and reputations.  When everything was said and done, the acclaimed lineup, with ridiculous talent from all over the country, looked like this:

Spree Wilson & Go Dreamer (ATL)
BLKHRTS (Denver)
Yonas Michael (LA)
Black Spade (St. Louis)
Tef Poe (St. Louis)
Family Affair (St. Louis)
Denniro Ferrar (NC) & BK Beats (Albuquerque)
Ness/Weekend Money (Brooklyn)
Trackstar The DJ (ATL)
SL Jones (ATL)
Uzoy (Houston)
Rich Kidd (Toronto)

And so, on the afternoon of March 14th, 2013, hundreds of people crossed the bridge from downtown Austin over to South 1st St for the inaugural SX704 Solution, where they were treated to some of the best acts in hip hop, free Lone Star beer and some of the best BBQ in all of Texas (no exaggeration, check out the rave reviews about La Barbecue here, here and here).  Better yet, we were able to set everything up as a free event, with no official SXSW wristband requirements and a refreshing vibe that offered a welcomed contrast to the drunken zombies wandering through 6th St.

With rap legends The Pharcyde and up and coming Dungeon Family affiliate Spree Wilson closing out the day, we packed a ridiculous amount of talent into our four hour showcase and left everyone with some great experiences, new favorite acts and a belly full of rave-worthy BBQ.  As if that wasn’t enough, the party was free to get into, didn’t’t require an RSVP, wristband or any of that hassle and had free beer to compliment the incredible BBQ, plus a complimentary photo booth, courtesy of Austin Nomad Photography.

A few days later, La Barbecue made sure I left Austin with an enormous freeze-dried brisket and asked us back for 2014, setting the stage for another, bigger & better event, especially based on what we did in one week in March.

Last but definitely not least, extra special shouts to everyone who helped make the event such a success: Leann & everyone at La Barbecue, Chisum at Austin Nomad Photography, France aka Eric Maitrepierre, DJ Trackstar, David & Potholes in My Blog, Sean, Greg & The Pharcyde, Yeti Frozen Custard and all the artists that came through and rocked! – DJ Low Key

1502 S. 1st St (that’s South First Street, not downtown, but close; check out the map below for directions).

Austin hip hop legend DJ Nick Nack on La Barbecue: “It’s the best brisket in Austin”

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Friday, August 2nd, 2013 Events, Flashbacks, Guests, The Solution Travels Comments Off on Flashback: 2013 SX704 Solution Showcase Recap…We teamed up with one of Austin’s best BBQ spots and some of our favorites acts out for our first ever showcase during SXSW!!!

The Solution Showcase #1 Recap Video w/TiRon, Ayomari & more…Courtesy of Konsequence…

Our boy Konsequence aka Jeremy Pape put together a very dope recap of last month’s The Solution Showcase #1 that you need to check out, whether you missed the party or you were there and wanna relive the memories of a great night.  The first half introduces the lineup and the second half features TiRon & Ayomari rocking “The Luncheon” live.  If you enjoy, please post it on your fb wall, tumblr, twitter, etc or tell a friend and don’t miss The Solution Showcase #2, this Friday, 1/20!!!

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Thursday, January 19th, 2012 Flashbacks, Guests, The Solution Showcase, Updates Comments Off on The Solution Showcase #1 Recap Video w/TiRon, Ayomari & more…Courtesy of Konsequence…

Flashback 10/17/08: Mickey Factz – Madlib: Beat Konducta Freestyles at the Solution MP3s…

In case you missed it back in October ’08, we had 2009 XXL Freshman member and the newest member of Lupe Fiasco’s All City Chess Club crew, Mickey Factz, come through the Solution for a surprise visit.  We were having a release party for Madlib’s Beat Konducta Vol 5 & 6:A Tribute To Dilla that night and winding down everything when Mickey showed up around last call and proceeded to spit some off the top freestyles while an intoxicated DJ Low Key rocked Madlib beats.  Check out Mickey’s debut album later this year and download his Solution freestyles below:

.:Mickey Factz – Freestyles at the Solution – 8/17/08 (Live in Denver, CO):.

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Tuesday, January 25th, 2011 Flashbacks, Solution Media, Updates Comments Off on Flashback 10/17/08: Mickey Factz – Madlib: Beat Konducta Freestyles at the Solution MP3s…

Flashback 3/05/10: Slum Village at the Solution video part 1 + DJ Low Key at DAF4 in NYC

Back on 3/5/10, we had the pleasure of having rap legends Slum Village join us at the Solution for our 4th annual J Dilla tribute and first night at our new home, Bar Standard.  The night was our biggest Dilla tribute to date, T3 and Elzhi rocked an incredible crowd and a great time was had by all.  Check out the footage below, filmed and edited by Ralphie from Elevation Sickness, for a taste of how the night went (thanks again homie!).

BONUS: Check out Hot Mop’s video below from Donuts Are Forever 4 in NYC back in February, featuring DJ Low Key, Questlove, Brainchild, DJ Parler, DJ Tara, Ma Dukes (also wearing the Sound College Dilla tee, CO reppin double) and a whole lot more at New York’s (and maybe the entire world’s) largest and best J Dilla tribute.

Last but not least, stay tuned for more video from Slum Village’s trip to the Solution & our 4th annual J Dilla Tribute coming soon, courtesy of the homie Moose.

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Monday, April 5th, 2010 Events, Flashbacks, Guests, Solution Media, Updates Comments Off on Flashback 3/05/10: Slum Village at the Solution video part 1 + DJ Low Key at DAF4 in NYC

Flashback 6/26/09: RBMA presents Exile & DJ Day at the Solution w/DJ Low Key & Sounds Supreme plus surprise guests Donwill, Von Pea & Che Grand

Last year, we were lucky enough to have insanely talented producers/DJs/MPC masters Exile & DJ Day come out to the Solution to rock their world renowned 2 MPC/2 turntable set, courtesy of the Red Bull Music Academy.  Needless to say, they didn’t disappoint.  Me and Sounds had the pleasure of setting off the party, full of cute girls and heads, so much so that DJ Day said he’d “never played at a party quite like this”.  Then Day & Ex rocked a mind-blowing set that had the crowd screaming, dancing and wondering how the hell anyone could make an MPC act like that.  It’s kind of hard to explain their brilliance in words, you really need to check out the video clips throughout this post to really get an idea of these guys’ genius.

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Plus, MJ had just passed a few days earlier and they created and premiered an incredible tribute to the King Of Pop that we were the first to witness, check it below (shouts to Ralphie on the video).

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And if that wasn’t enough, Donwill & Von Pea of Tanya Morgan and Che Grand were in town for my birthday party the next night and hopped on the mic for a surprise performance.  Check out clip of Che rockin over live Ex & DJ Day’s live production at the Solution below (and stay tuned for the full Che/Don/Von audio on the upcoming Solution Tape #1).  Over six hundred people came through the door that night and I imagine each and every one of them who saw Ex & Day had their mind blown.  If you end up so lucky as to ever get a chance to see these guys perform live, don’t miss it.

Above: Exile MPC solo at the Solution /// Below (starting with the top row):  DJ Dozen, Donwill, Che Grand, DJ Low Key, J Kim, MG, Sounds Supreme, DJ Tense, Exile, Von Pea & DJ Day.

BONUS: Exile & DJ Day perform their D Train routine at a Red Bull Music Academy workshop w/DJ Low Key at Side 3 Studios. Shouts to DJ Squirt on the clip, stay tuned for more clips from the workshop coming soon.

EXTRA BONUS: Exile & DJ Day rehearsing their MJ tribute at the hotel before premiering it at the Solution.

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Sunday, January 10th, 2010 Flashbacks, Solution Media, Updates Comments Off on Flashback 6/26/09: RBMA presents Exile & DJ Day at the Solution w/DJ Low Key & Sounds Supreme plus surprise guests Donwill, Von Pea & Che Grand
